What can employers do to help employees engage with workplace pensions?
An event introducing the latest behavioural research into employee engagement with workplace pensions schemes.
Dr. Robertson-Rose of The University of Edinburgh shows how HR practices influence employee behaviour and explains what employers can do to help increase pension scheme engagement.
The presentation will be followed by a panel discussion pointing employers to where they can obtain pension support and advice. The panel includes Ed Owens from Pension Wise (which offers free and impartial government advice about DC pensions options) and Gavin Marshal (Senior Financial Wellbeing Consultant, HSBC).
The seminar will last approximately one hour and will be followed by refreshments and an opportunity to network.
This free seminar will be of interest to employers seeking to improve the financial well-being of their employees
Book your tickets here.
Aberdeen 23 May, 16:00 – 18:00 Society of Advocates Library