Our Timeline

King’s College Founded
King’s College Founded by Bishop Elphinstone as a School of Law

The Society of Advocates in Aberdeen is formed
The exact date of foundation is unknown as the original documents were lost in a fire at the Records Office on Castle Street in 1721 but would have been prior to 1570 as reference to a Member of the Society who joined in that year is made in a 1588 document signed by King James VI.

Advocates authorised to conduct business
The Sheriff Principal passed an act of court under which only 16 named Advocates were authorised to conduct business before the court. From this point forward, until the establishment of the Law Society of Scotland, the Society examined and authorised those individuals found suitable to enter legal practice.
Royal Charter granted
A Royal Charter is granted to the Society by King George III..

It was agreed by the Society that the teaching of classes in Scots Law within Aberdeen would be beneficial and our committment to providing education has developed since the early days of classes taught at Marischal College to our current CPD offering.

Library founded
The Society's Library was founded. It was not devoted exclusively to Law Books and even today one of the oldest books in our collection is Henry Savile's Rerum Anglicarum scriptores post Bedam (London, 1596)
A further Royal Charter granted
A further Royal Charter is granted to the Society by King George III

New Courthouse is constructed
The new Courthouse is constructed at Castle Street and the Society was given use of a room in which to hold meetings.

Advocates Hall was built
The first Advocates Hall was built, to a design by John Smith, at the corner of Union Street and Back Wynd. The opening was marked by a banquet at which 170 people attended and 53 toasts were proposed.

Lumsden Smith Benevolent Fund
The foundations of the Lumsden Smith Benevolent Fund are laid with the first gift of £300 pounds being placed in trust to provide support for those Members and their dependents in need.
Royal Charter granted
A Royal Charter is Granted to the Society by Queen Victoria.

Present Advocates' Hall erected
The present Advocates' Hall was erected in Concert Court to a design by James Matthews and the Society continue to warmly welcome both members and guests to our iconic building.

1914 - 1919
1939 - 1945
Members of the Society served in WWI and WWII and a memorial to those who fell was erected within the Library.

Williamson Law Prize Fund
The Williamson Law Prize Fund is established and provides an annual prize to a student studying law at the University of Aberdeen

Law Society established
The Law Society of Scotland is established.

First Lady Member
Elizabeth Barnett of A C Morrison & Richards is welcomed as the Society's first lady Member.

ASPC Founded
The Aberdeen Solicitors Property Centre was founded and continues to support, and is well supported by, many of our Member's firms.

Aberdeen FC win
Aberdeen FC win the European Cup Winners' Cup and European Super Cup.

First lady President
Elizabeth J W Mackinnon is elected as the first lady President of the Society.

TANA Group is formed
The Society's TANA Group is formed to support our Trainee and Newly Qualified Members as they embark on their legal careers and become the future leaders of the local profession.